Release Notes: Pulse 2024.08.16


Since this update, there have been several changes to existing pages.  Some previous changes to the Inventory List page were covered in earlier release notes, which can be reviewed via the link below:

Release Notes: Inventory List Changes

In this release, the following changes have been made:

• The Product Planning page, previously displayed as the Planning Product page, has had its name corrected to show Product Planning.

• Departments, Staff/Doctors, and Procedures are now displayed next to each other under User Management in the Settings tab.

• The Reserved Items page had the column order changed, and some of the column header names were updated. They are now as follows: Description, Manufacturer Code, Manufacturer, Lot Number, Expiration Date, Serial Number, Cost, Reserved For User, Reserved for Staff/Doctor, Reserved for Department, Reserved for Patient, Reserved from Shelf, Reserve Date, Reserve End Date, Reserved By, Reserved Quantity, and Comment.

• The Scan In button has been changed to say Removed from Reserved.

• The Product List page now has a Search/Scan field that allows you to look for items by Description, Manufacturer Code, and UPC. Product Groups have been added to the data table. The Product Group and Manufacturer are now multi-select filters.

• The Purchase Order page has undergone several changes, including:

• The Facility filter is now a Locations filter.

• The Purchase Order Type filter has been made into a multi-select filter.

• Some of the column headers have been renamed to make it clearer what data is being displayed in that column on both the Purchase Order page, Edit Purchase Order page, and the Receiving page.

• After adding a product to a purchase order, the data is displayed in the following order: Description > Manufacturer Code > Manufacturer > Qty Ordered > Qty Received > Qty B/O > Confirm. > Custom Field Values > Comment > Unit Price > Total Price.

• The data on the Receiving page is now as follows: Description > Manufacturer Code > Manufacturer > Quantity Ordered > Quantity Left to Receive > Quantity Received > UOM > Shelf > Lot Number > Expiration Date > Serial Number.

• The data on the Shipments page has been reordered as follows: Description > Manufacturer Code > Manufacturer > Quantity > Unit Price > Total Price.

• The PDF generated after clicking Print Shipment has had the data reorganized to make the document clearer.

• The Supplier List page now only holds the Supplier Name, Phone, Contact Name, Email, and Fax Number for each supplier (the Account Number field may be added back in a future update).  The Supplier filter on this page is now a multi-select filter.

• The Custom Bulk Update page has had some columns reorganized to better display information by product. Some of the column headers were renamed to better describe the information displayed.  Saved Editors will now show an Editor Name. 

• The Add Product page no longer requires a Product Group to be entered.  Product Group is now a drop-down selection where multiple Product Groups can be selected for the product.