February 28th, 2022
ArbiMed is proud to introduce a new module that provides an additional workflow for managing your inventory. The Product Planning Module is designed to allow you to plan item usage for patient treatments ahead of time. This gives you more predictability in purchasing planning and streamlines the process of dispensing inventory. Here are some brief features and benefits of the Product Planning Module. For more detailed information please watch the Product Planning Module video in the help section of our application.
- Create a treatment plan that includes the inventory items you intend to use for patient for a future date
- Product at risk report will highlight items that are understocked versus the planned usage
- Planned item usage can be included in PAR Level reporting for accurate purchasing suggestions
- Use of Preference Cards when creating the treatment plan can save time versus adding items individually.
- Duplicate past treatments to simplify the process of creating a treatment plan
- Dispensing is quick and easy since all of the items are queued ahead of time